Videogame memiliki bug. Ini adalah fakta kehidupan. Ada yang jelas dan mudah dibersihkan, dan ada pula yang agak sulit untuk dipaku. Dan kemudian ada bug seperti Valve satu-satunya yang kemarin ada di Team Fortress 2. Menurut laporan Engadget ini, ada sekitar untuk decadex2014 sejak TF2 dirilis pada 2007x2014 sebelum dicatat bulan lalu oleh pengembang TF2 Classic Nicknine, dan dilaporkan oleh Redditor sigsegv. xA0 Bug terjadi saat pemain memilih Scout, Heavy, atau Sniper sebagai kelas pertama mereka setelah bergabung dengan server. Setelah itu, beralih ke Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Engineer, Medic, atau Spy di server yang sama akan meninggalkan animasi lokal dan server-side mereka sedikit tidak sinkron. Ini bekerja dengan cara lain juga: Dimulai sebagai Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Engineer, Medic, atau Spy, dan kemudian beralih ke Scout, Heavy, atau Sniper akan memiliki efek yang sama. XA0xA0 Kedengarannya tidak berbahaya, tapi dampak praktisnya pasti tidak. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat di video, ketidakcocokan antara hitbox lokal dan server-side berarti bahwa tembakan yang seharusnya dipukul terkadang tidak akan terjadi. Dan begitu itu terjadi, pemain terjebak: Beralih ke belakang dan ke belakang pasti akan menghilangkan kesalahan, juga tidak akan sekarat atau pergi ke mode penonton. XA0xA0xA0xA0 quotItaposs karena model pemain untuk scoutheavysniper memiliki parameter pose yang tercantum dalam satu urutan, sementara model pemain untuk soldierpyrodemoengiemedicspy memiliki parameter pose yang tercantum dalam urutan yang sedikit berbeda (movex dan movingy swapped), quot sigsegv menjelaskan. Quot Dan itaposs juga layak untuk menunjukkan bahwa di MvM Mann vs Machine, bot menggunakan kembali slot 22 pemain yang sama berulang kali: ketika sebuah robot mati, pemain itu beralih ke penonton, dan kemudian ketika itu membutuhkan waktu bagi robot lain untuk bertelur, Pemain beralih kembali ke tim biru dan berubah ke kelas yang seharusnya dimiliki robot baru. Jadi, pada dasarnya, robot MvM yang berbeda agak setara dengan sekelompok pemain manusia yang meninggal, berganti kelas, dan kemudian respawn yang berarti mereka juga rentan terhadap bug. quotxA0 Itaposs bukan bug besar, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh fakta bahwa Itu tidak diketahui selama sepuluh tahun, tapi itu juga mengandung apa yang membuatnya begitu terkenal sekarang. TF2 bukan permainan rata-rata sepuluh tahun Anda: Itaposs masih merupakan satu dari lima game teratas di Steam, dengan puluhan ribu orang saling peledakan satu sama lain 24 jam sehari, dan didukung oleh komunitas modding yang sangat aktif. Namun, entah bagaimana, bug ini, yang berdampak pada permainan di levelx2014 yang paling mendasar, apakah Anda menembak orang itu atau tidak, tapi menyelinap melalui celah-celah itu sampai sekarang. Di satu sisi, ini sangat memalukan karena Valve memperbaikinya. XA0xA0 Daftar lengkap perubahan yang termasuk dalam update TF2 terbaru ada di bawah ini. Peningkatan dukungan Suara Uap untuk server yang mengaktifkannya Dihapus dalam konvensi svusesteamvoice. Suara uap sekarang dipilih melalui quotvvoicecodec steamquot Demo tetap tidak benar merekam status Suara Uap, menghasilkan suara korup potensial dalam demo dengan pengaturan default yang berbeda Sekarang akan menggunakan tingkat sampling Suara Uap asli, daripada menjepretkan 11 kHz Peningkatan kompatibilitas dengan beta klien Uap Tetap Komunikasi suara OS X terdengar bernada tinggi saat menggunakan codec suara CELT default Memperbaiki bug animasi yang akan menyebabkan kotak berita klien dan server tidak sinkron. Tetap Pramuka tidak memainkan animasi yang benar saat menggunakan Shortstopaposs Alt-Fire untuk mendorong seseorang. Memperbaiki beberapa suara VO yang hilang untuk Pramuka saat dia memungut sebuah bola bisbol Fixed Spectators melihat pemberitahuan kematian palsu untuk Spy saat dia berpura-pura mati Tetap saja Widowmaker tidak melakukan peningkatan kerusakan saat target Sentryaposs adalah bangunan, bos, atau tank Fixed not earning Kemajuan Crikey meter dengan The Cleaneraposs Carbine saat merusak bangunan, bos, atau tank Fixed the Scout tidak gett Ing membantu untuk mendorong pemain saat menggunakan Shortstop Fixed karena tidak dapat menggunakan Giftiped yang tidak dapat diperdagangkan. Fixed powerups kadang-kadang dikeluarkan dari permainan dalam mode Mannpower Memperbaiki kasus di mana papan skor tidak akan diperbarui dengan benar saat pemain relawan untuk mengganti tim dalam mode Casual Tetap Sebuah kasus di mana server Casual akan secara spontan mengakhiri dengan menghentikan downquot quotServer setelah kehilangan koneksi dengan layanan penjaruman Diperbarui pada logika yang digunakan untuk memilih pemain peta dapat memberikan suara pada pemungutan suara di akhir pertandingan di server Casual untuk membantu mempertahankan representasi mode permainan yang lebih sehat. Di seluruh wilayah Server kasual sering diputar ke mode permainan yang tidak terkait selama pemilihan, mengakibatkan server yang terisi sebagian di wilayah tertentu Memperbarui kelompok bermain yang tersembunyi saat melengkapi Helm Dark Falkirk dan The Sole Saviors Memperbarui modelmaterials untuk The Snowmann untuk memperbaiki beberapa masalah LOD Diperbarui File lokalisasi Ditambahkan Gift Wrap kembali ke Mann Co. Store di re Duced price Ditambahkan TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Peserta Musim Dingin 2017 medali masyarakat Ditambahkan Rally Call Charity Turnamen medali komunitas Ditambahkan ozfortress Musim 18 medali turnamen Ditambahkan pertanyaan survei baru ke survei akhir pertandingan untuk mode Santai dan Kompetitif dan memperbaiki bug di mana beberapa survei dapat dilakukan. Ditampilkan sekaligus Update ke Team Fortress 2 telah dirilis. Pembaruan akan diterapkan secara otomatis saat Anda me-restart Team Fortress 2. Perubahan utama meliputi: Dukungan Suara Uap yang ditingkatkan untuk server yang memungkinkannya mengaktifkan convention svusesteamvoice. Suara uap sekarang dipilih melalui uap svvoicecodec Demo tetap tidak benar merekam status Suara Uap, sehingga menghasilkan suara korup yang potensial dalam demo dengan pengaturan default yang berbeda Sekarang akan menggunakan tingkat sampling Suara Uap asli, daripada menjepit hingga 11 kHz Peningkatan kompatibilitas dengan beta klien Uap Tetap Komunikasi suara OS X terdengar bernada tinggi saat menggunakan codec suara CELT default Memperbaiki bug animasi yang akan menyebabkan kotak berita klien dan server tidak sinkron. Tetap Pramuka tidak memainkan animasi yang benar saat menggunakan Shortstops Alt-Fire untuk mendorong seseorang. Memperbaiki beberapa suara VO yang hilang untuk Pramuka saat dia memungut sebuah bola bisbol Fixed Spectators melihat pemberitahuan kematian palsu untuk Spy saat dia berpura-pura mati Tetap saja Widowmaker tidak melakukan peningkatan kerusakan saat target Sentrys adalah bangunan, atasan, atau tank Fixed not earning Kemajuan meter Crikey dengan The Cleaners Carbine saat merusak bangunan, bos, atau tank Fixed the Scout tidak mendapatkan assist untuk shov Ing pemain saat menggunakan Shortstop Fixed tidak dapat menggunakan Giftiped yang tidak dapat diperdagangkan. Fixed powerups kadang-kadang dikeluarkan dari permainan dalam mode Mannpower Memperbaiki kasus di mana papan skor tidak akan diperbarui dengan benar saat pemain relawan untuk mengganti tim dalam mode Casual Fixed a case where Server kasual akan berhenti secara spontan dengan Server mematikan saat kehilangan koneksi dengan layanan penjaruman Diperbarui pada logika yang digunakan untuk memilih pemain peta dapat memberikan suara pada pemungutan suara akhir pertandingan di server Casual untuk membantu mempertahankan representasi mode permainan yang lebih sehat di seluruh wilayah Casual Server sering diputar ke mode permainan yang tidak terkait selama pemilihan, sehingga server yang terisi sebagian di wilayah tertentu Memperbarui kelompok bermain yang tersembunyi saat melengkapi Helm Dark Falkirk dan The Sole Saviors Memperbarui modelmaterials untuk The Snowmann untuk memperbaiki beberapa masalah LOD Diperbarui file pelokalan Ditambahkan Gift Wrap kembali ke Mann Co. Store dengan harga lebih rendah Ditambahkan TF2Maps 72 Hr TF2Jam Winter Participant 2017 community medal Ditambahkan Rally Call Charity Tournament community medals Ditambahkan ozfortress Musim 18 medali turnamen Ditambahkan pertanyaan survei baru ke survei akhir pertandingan untuk mode Santai dan Kompetitif dan memperbaiki bug di mana beberapa survei dapat ditampilkan pada saat yang sama. Waktu Pembaruan Produk - Katup Pembaruan untuk Team Fortress 2 telah dirilis. Pembaruan akan diterapkan secara otomatis saat Anda me-restart Team Fortress 2. Perubahan utama meliputi: Dukungan Suara Uap yang ditingkatkan untuk server yang memungkinkannya mengaktifkan convention svusesteamvoice. Suara uap sekarang dipilih melalui uap svvoicecodec Demo tetap tidak benar merekam status Suara Uap, sehingga menghasilkan suara korup yang potensial dalam demo dengan pengaturan default yang berbeda Sekarang akan menggunakan tingkat sampling Suara Uap asli, daripada menjepit hingga 11 kHz Peningkatan kompatibilitas dengan beta klien Uap Tetap Komunikasi suara OS X terdengar bernada tinggi saat menggunakan codec suara CELT default Memperbaiki bug animasi yang akan menyebabkan kotak berita klien dan server tidak sinkron. Tetap Pramuka tidak memainkan animasi yang benar saat menggunakan Shortstops Alt-Fire untuk mendorong seseorang. Memperbaiki beberapa suara VO yang hilang untuk Pramuka saat dia memungut sebuah bola bisbol Fixed Spectators melihat pemberitahuan kematian palsu untuk Spy saat dia berpura-pura mati Tetap saja Widowmaker tidak melakukan peningkatan kerusakan saat target Sentrys adalah bangunan, atasan, atau tank Fixed not earning Kemajuan meter Crikey dengan The Cleaners Carbine saat merusak bangunan, bos, atau tank Fixed the Scout tidak mendapatkan assist untuk shov Ing pemain saat menggunakan Shortstop Fixed tidak dapat menggunakan Giftiped yang tidak dapat diperdagangkan. Fixed powerups kadang-kadang dikeluarkan dari permainan dalam mode Mannpower Memperbaiki kasus di mana papan skor tidak akan diperbarui dengan benar saat pemain relawan untuk mengganti tim dalam mode Casual Fixed a case where Server kasual akan berhenti secara spontan dengan Server mematikan saat kehilangan koneksi dengan layanan penjaruman Diperbarui pada logika yang digunakan untuk memilih pemain peta dapat memberikan suara pada pemungutan suara akhir pertandingan di server Casual untuk membantu mempertahankan representasi mode permainan yang lebih sehat di seluruh wilayah Casual Server sering diputar ke mode permainan yang tidak terkait selama pemilihan, sehingga server yang terisi sebagian di wilayah tertentu Memperbarui kelompok bermain yang tersembunyi saat melengkapi Helm Dark Falkirk dan The Sole Saviors Memperbarui modelmaterials untuk The Snowmann untuk memperbaiki beberapa masalah LOD Diperbarui file pelokalan Ditambahkan Gift Wrap kembali ke Mann Co. Store dengan harga lebih rendah Ditambahkan TF2Maps 72 Hr TF2Jam Winter Participant 2017 community medal Ditambahkan Rally Call Charity Tournament community medals Ditambahkan ozfortress Musim 18 medali turnamen Ditambahkan pertanyaan survei baru ke survei akhir pertandingan untuk mode Santai dan Kompetitif dan memperbaiki bug di mana beberapa survei dapat ditampilkan pada saat yang sama. Waktu TF2Maps menghadirkan TF2Jam 72hours berikutnya pada hari Jumat, 10 Februari pukul 18:00 GST. TF2Jam terakhir memiliki lebih dari 500 entri, dan mereka ingin membuat yang satu ini lebih besar lagi Bagi yang belum tahu, TF2Jam adalah tentang seni dan kerajinan dari semua hal yang Team Fortress 2, dilakukan dalam waktu kurang dari 72 jam. Ini termasuk membuat peta, model, video, karya seni, fanfiction, artikel, permainan, mods, pahatan, tarian interpretif, dan hal lain. Peserta menerima medali dalam game dan rasa bangga yang pantas. Klik di sini untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut. LuckyLukeTF2 kembali dengan Top 12 spesial untuk tahun 2016 Sama seperti tahun lalu, edisi ini menampilkan semua drama TF2 1 comprater bulan ini untuk tahun 2016, dan pastinya memiliki semuanya: mulai dari backstab saat berselancar di udara ke sebuah Quad airshot Simak aksi di atas atau di saluran Youtube LuckyLukeTF2s di sini. Meskipun perjudian kulit di Counter-Strike: Serangan Global telah berlangsung selama beberapa tahun, tahun lalu melihat Valve menindak serangkaian situs yang berhenti dan menghentikan perintahnya ke beberapa gerai perjudian karena menggunakan akun Uap mereka untuk tujuan komersial. Valve sekarang beralih ke penembak online utama lainnya, Team Fortress 2.xA0 Jika Anda tidak asing dengan bagaimana perjudian kulit bekerja, Evanaposs secara rinci terkait dengan CS: GO patut dicoba karena memerlukan proses serupa di TF2. Pada tahap ini, Valve hasnapost mengungkapkan langkah selanjutnya selain menyatakan niatnya. xA0 Seperti yang ada di situs Team Fortress 2. Valve mengeluarkan pernyataan berikut: xA0 Pada bulan Juli tahun lalu kami menggariskan posisi kami di situs perjudian, yang secara khusus mencatat bahwa Valve tidak memiliki hubungan bisnis dengan situs-situs tersebut. Pada saat itu kami juga mulai memblokir banyak akun perjudian CSGO. Anda dapat melihat posting asli di sini. Baru-baru ini, beberapa situs web perjudian mulai memanfaatkan item TF2. Hari ini kami memulai proses pemblokiran akun perjudian TF2 juga. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk berdagang dengan situs-situs ini. Setelah melakukan tindakan keras tahun lalu, beberapa situs judi CS yang tutup tutup menyarankan cara mereka beroperasi sepenuhnya legal, dan mereka akan segera meluncurkannya setelah melakukan pembicaraan dengan Valve. Pencarian Google sepintas akan menyarankan hal ini tidak terjadi, yang tentu saja mengirimkan pesan yang cukup jelas kepada mereka yang masih beroperasi di bawah radar. Pada bulan Juli tahun lalu kami menjabarkan posisi kami di situs web perjudian, yang secara khusus mencatat bahwa Valve tidak memiliki hubungan bisnis dengan situs-situs tersebut. Pada saat itu kami juga mulai memblokir banyak akun perjudian CSGO. Anda dapat melihat posting asli di sini. Baru-baru ini, beberapa situs web perjudian mulai memanfaatkan item TF2. Hari ini kami memulai proses pemblokiran akun perjudian TF2 juga. Kami sarankan Anda tidak melakukan perdagangan dengan situs-situs ini. Pergilah ke Arena Esports di Santa Ana, California akhir pekan ini untuk mengalami beberapa pemain PC dan Konsol paling kompetitif dalam dekade terakhir ini. Esports Arena Rewind akan menampilkan TF2, Halo: Combat Evolved dan Shadowrun, dengan tim dari seluruh dunia termasuk, Se7en, Jasmine Tea, Froyotech, Game EVL, Pasar Daging, dan Street Hoops Esports. Klik di sini untuk melihat jadwal turnamen. Bout dimulai pukul 10.00 PST pada hari Sabtu dengan grand final pada pukul 4 sore hari Minggu, jadi pergilah ke Santa Ana atau saksikan streaming di sini. Copy 2017 Valve Corporation . Catatan mereka Blizzardy Storm Furious Fukaamigasa Topi yang bagus dan bersih untuk 21 kunci atau Anda menawarkan tombol Strange Red Army Robin 4 dan 7 ref Strange Blood Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk. I 1 kunci dan 9 ref Strange Smokey Sombrero 7 ref Strange A Head Full of Hot Air 5 ref Granat Peluncur Kit Fabricator (Hot Rod) 23 ref The HazMat Headcase (On Color No. 216-190-216) Terjual Carbonado Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk. I Sold Last edited 13 hari yang lalu. Cr4sheR ingin berdagang Apa yang mereka tawarkan. Apa yang mereka inginkan. Multi Theft Auto Multi Theft Auto Ini adalah grup Multi Theft Auto resmi di Komunitas Uap. Apa itu Multi Theft Auto Multi Theft Auto (MTA) adalah proyek perangkat lunak open-source yang menambahkan dukungan game online penuh ke Rockstar Norths Grand Theft Auto: permainan PC San Andreas, di mana fungsi ini tidak ditemukan pada awalnya. Ini adalah modifikasi open source pertama yang menambahkan elemen permainan jaringan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan permainan PC single-player komersial closed-source. Dikembangkan sebagai perangkat lunak eksperimental pada awalnya untuk Grand Theft Auto 3 kembali pada awal tahun 2003, Multi Theft Auto telah menjadi platform multiplayer canggih bagi para gamer dan pengembang. Perangkat lunak kami menyediakan game on-line untuk puluhan pemain yang menjalankan konten dan skrip buatan pengguna yang dihasilkan melalui mesin virtual Lua, dan didistribusikan secara bebas berdasarkan lisensi GPLv3. Perlu dicatat bahwa tidak ada file permainan asli yang dimodifikasi dalam prosesnya, jadi Anda masih bisa memainkan mode single player seperti yang Anda miliki. Rilis stabil saat ini: MTA: SA 1.5.3 Versi ini awalnya dirilis pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2016. Ada update berikutnya yang diposting setiap minggu atau lebih. MTA: SA bekerja dengan baik dengan versi Uap GTA: SA. Pastikan bahwa GTA: SA terinstal, maka cukup download versi mod terbaru dari situs kami dan pasanglah. Ini dia, Anda siap dan Anda bisa langsung masuk ke permainan. Lihat di bawah untuk link ke website kami. Sekelompok pengingat ramah Posting Free Games atau Keys menawarkan, SteamCSGOTF2etc. Penawaran dagang, meminta rep, reflinks atau iklan serupa tidak akan ditolerir. Pos tersebut akan dilepas saat penglihatan. Selain itu, pelanggar berulang akan dilaporkan ke Valve. Posting non-Inggris di bagian Komentar di bawah dapat dihapus saat penglihatan. Kami baik-baik saja dengan iklan server MTA Anda, tapi tolong poskan di bagian Advertisment Server di Diskusi. Anda dapat meminta dukungan dengan MTA: SA di bagian Komentar atau Diskusi, namun kemungkinan besar Anda akan menerima balasan lebih cepat jika Anda bertanya di forum dukungan kami sendiri. Forum. mtasa 24 2016 - jhxp: 7 Oh, apa itu liburan di sini lagi Yap, sepertinya memang begitu, jadi itu berarti forum biasa ..masa. Kami akan memberi kalian orang-orang yang tahu tentang apa yang telah terjadi di dunia MTA sepanjang tahun ini. Dan jika Anda adalah salah satu dari tipe informasi yang baik yang tidak memerlukan rekap, Anda masih mungkin ingin memberikan tulisan ini sebagai pembacaan, karena akan ada lebih dari itu di tahun 2016 di Rekap Dekat akhir Januari, kami merilis sebuah bugfix Rilis untuk MTA: SA 1.5.x - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.2 forum. mtasa. Di antara beberapa hal lainnya, versi itu telah meningkatkan kompatibilitas aplikasi server untuk server host Linux dan memperbaiki beberapa masalah desync. Pada bulan Juli, kami mulai menawarkan cara promosi baru bagi pemilik server yang ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak pemain dengan cepat. Yakni, salah satu posisi teratas di browser server ingame selama seminggu dalam pertukaran dengan biaya kecil forum. mtasa. Kami merasa ini adalah cara yang baik untuk tidak hanya memastikan bahwa kebutuhan finansial Proyek kami seimbang, namun juga memungkinkan beberapa server yang lebih kecil namun ambisius untuk mencoba dan mendapatkan basis pemain yang selalu mereka cari. Pada bulan Agustus dan September, kami melakukan perubahan yang signifikan. Forum. mtasa ke forum kita, termasuk beralih ke forum software forum. mtasa baru. Ada banyak masalah yang ditemukan setelahnya (seperti menjaga status pengguna masuk), namun kami berhasil memperbaiki sebagian besar dari mereka. Setelah itu, kami ditampilkan dalam sebuah artikel di forum Rock Paper Shotgun. mp3. Yang merenungkan popularitas multiplayer mods untuk GTASA, bahkan lama setelah rilis aslinya. Anda bisa menemukan artikel lengkap di situs RPS. Dan akhirnya, pada tanggal 20 Oktober, Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.3 dilepas forum. mtasa. Ini adalah rilis besar yang mungkin juga bisa diberi label sebagai rilis besar berikutnya, namun masih kompatibel dengan seri 1.5. Sekelompok MTA yang menarik: video YouTube terkait SA mulai tahun ini Jumlah pemain saat ini dan statistik fragmentasi versi Sepertinya lebih banyak orang memutuskan untuk menggunakan versi modifikasi yang lebih baru daripada forum. mtasa tahun lalu. Sedangkan untuk masa depan, kami telah mengerjakan rilis berikutnya, yang sebagian besar akan berisi perbaikan bug dan tweak kompatibilitas. Namun, kami juga mengerjakan beberapa fitur baru, seperti Custom Train Tracks, yang kami harap segera selesai. Kami juga ingin melihat peningkatan streaming, meningkatkan batas dan memungkinkan menambahkan ID baru untuk beberapa hal, namun ini akan menjadi rumit. Meskipun demikian, akan sangat menyenangkan melihat fitur yang bekerja di MTA: SA suatu hari nanti, karena mereka mengizinkan pemilik server melakukannya. Gunakan peta kustom yang lebih besar dan lebih baik dengan kendaraan baru yang semuanya akan bekerja dengan benar untuk pemain. Itu untuk saat ini. Happy Holidays dan Best Wishes untuk 2017 dari Tim MTA 20 2016 - jhxp: 10 Beberapa waktu yang lalu kami telah menerbitkan kandidat rilis untuk rilis yang akan datang untuk kalian uji. Fase ini berjalan baik, jadi kami merasa sekarang kami siap menghadirkan versi stabil Mod - Multi Theft Auto yang terbaru: San Andreas 1.5.3 Sama seperti sebelumnya. Ini adalah update untuk seri versi stabil kami saat ini - MTA: SA 1.5. Bertentangan dengan definisi ini, ini adalah pembaruan besar yang sebagian besar mengandung perubahan yang lebih kecil, namun sesuai dengan jumlah tersebut. Banyak usaha dilakukan oleh Jusonex dan sbx320 untuk membersihkan kode dan mereorganisasi sistem build, yang keduanya mempermudah kita untuk menjaga MTA: basis kode SA dan menyederhanakan prosedur kompilasi. Namun, selama tahap pengujian RC yang disebutkan di atas, kami memutuskan untuk mengembalikan beberapa kode clean-up changes dan membiarkannya untuk rilis yang akan datang karena masalah yang mereka timbulkan. Kami merasa akan lebih baik seperti itu karena beberapa perubahan ini hanya membutuhkan lebih banyak pekerjaan karena hal itu mempengaruhi banyak basis kode, sehingga membuat lebih sulit untuk menentukan masalah lain yang mungkin ditemukan. Sementara itu, ccw dan darkdreamingdan telah memperbaiki bug yang dilaporkan oleh masyarakat. Kami juga telah memperbarui beberapa dependensi (komponen pihak ketiga yang digunakan dalam mod kami), termasuk sekelompok perpustakaan utilitas (seperti sqlite, zlib, libpng atau libjpeg) dan komponen CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework). Yang terakhir ini terutama merupakan perubahan penting yang telah kami jelaskan lebih lanjut dalam forum. mp3 terpisah dan juga dirangkum sebentar di bawah ini. Update ini akan sedikit merepotkan bagi beberapa pemain kita yang masih menggunakan Windows XP dan Windows Vista (yang mana, sejujurnya, jumlahnya agak kecil). Reguler 1.5.3 membangun tidak akan bekerja untuk pengguna seperti itu, jadi kami telah mempersiapkan sebuah warisan yang dibangun hanya untuk mereka. Selanjutnya, pengguna semacam itu perlu dipersiapkan bahwa pada titik tertentu kita mungkin menjatuhkan dukungan untuk Windows XP dan Windows Vista untuk rilis masa depan kita. Silahkan baca forum ini. mtasa untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang perubahan dan konsekuensinya. Karena sistem build telah direorganisasi, banyak perubahan kecil yang pada awalnya dibuat untuk 1,6 juga diperkenalkan di versi ini (selama tidak melanggar kompatibilitasnya), menjadikannya salah satu rilis terbesar yang pernah kami buat (dan Juga semacam jembatan antara seri 1,5 dan rilis 1.6 yang akan datang kemudian). Anda dapat memeriksa daftar di bawah ini untuk beberapa perubahan yang paling menarik, namun kami benar-benar merekomendasikan untuk memeriksa daftar lengkap perubahan untuk memeriksa apakah fitur atau fungsi yang Anda inginkan selalu tersedia dalam rilis ini: Dukungan tambahan untuk versi Uap Jerman GTA: SA (terima kasih kepada Lakota, Mario dan Sh4dowReturn untuk umpan balik) Peningkatan streaming objek LOD rendah dan batas yang meningkat Beberapa crash yang populer diperbaiki Pembersihan kode dan kesalahan logging internal yang diperbaiki MTA: SA sekarang akan mencoba menggunakan resolusi layar asli saat pertama kali meluncurkan desktop tetap Resolusi saat meminimalkan dengan mode fullscreen tanpa batas jendela Menambahkan file sumber daya klien path info ke tab Advanced di jendela Options Ditambahkan ikon untuk server Windows yang dapat dieksekusi dan ditandatangani secara digital CEFLauncher executable Fungsi script baru: canBrowserNavigateBack (), canBrowserNavigateForward (), navigateBrowserBack (), navigateBrowserForward ( ) Dan reloadBrowserPage () (dikembangkan oleh mabako) createTrayNotification () dan i STrayNotificationEnabled () (dikembangkan oleh Necktrox) juga resizeBrowser (), fileGetPath (), setVehicleWindowOpen () dan banyak lagi. Tweak ke dbQuery () dbExec (), fileRead (), addDebugHook () dan banyak lagi. SetBrowserAudio tetap () tidak mematikan suara dengan benar di beberapa situs web mis. YouTube Fixed setCameraTarget () perhitungan (terima kasih kepada lex128) setVehiclePlateText () sekarang bekerja dengan jenis kendaraan apa pun, termasuk sepeda motor (berkat lopezloo) Menambahkan parameter campuran untuk setPedAnimation () (terima kasih kepada lex128) Menambahkan dukungan untuk objek dan senjata dalam kerusakan ped Peristiwa (terima kasih kepada lopezloo) Elemen air sekarang terbatas pada dimensi tertentu Lingkup penembak jitu tetap menghilang setelah membunuh ped (berkat lopezloo) MTA Tetap terkadang tidak memuat tekstur khusus MTA Tetap perlahan memperbarui posisi elemen terlampir Redaksi dan tweak kinerja untuk CEF Fixed CEF popup (misalnya kotak ltselectgt) tidak diberikan dengan benar Ditambahkan pilihan untuk memblokir admin server yang login dengan serial yang tidak dikenali Ditambahkan duplikat log line filter untuk script debugging Tetap menghubungkan pemain yang mampu untuk memblokir sumber daya dari mulai Tweak logika dari validasi file sumber daya klien Ditambahkan Server logging untuk redirectPlayer Tweaks untuk admin, missiontimer, race, runcode dan webbrowser resou Rces (terima kasih kepada Dutchman101, Einheit-101 dan PhrozenByte) Menambahkan backup peta untuk Map Editor dan mengubah nilai default setting fps limiter dari 36 menjadi 50 (terima kasih kepada AleksCore untuk yang terakhir) Menghapus paket redchi VS2008 yang tidak diperlukan lagi dari installer. Dan masih banyak lagi. Daftar lengkap perubahan dapat ditemukan di sini wiki. multitheftauto (direkomendasikan baca) dan di sini buildinfo. mtasa (tidak lengkap, dari r7816 ke atas). Daftar perubahan pada paket sumber daya dapat ditemukan di sini github (mulai dari dan termasuk 18 Feb 2016 ke atas). Harap diperhatikan bahwa UltraThing dan versi ENB series mods terdahulu diblokir di MTA: SA 1.5.3 karena ketidakcocokan mereka dengan Komponen browser web MTA: SA. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan ENB mod di 1.5.3, perbarui ke versi yang lebih baru jika aplikasi Anda saat ini tidak berfungsi. Jika, di sisi lain, Anda ingin menggunakan mod UltraThing di 1.5.3, Anda tidak akan dapat melakukannya lagi - maaf untuk itu seperti di atas - silakan perbarui ke versi yang lebih baru (v0.29 atau yang lebih baru). Versi ini kompatibel dengan rilis 1.5 yang lebih lama, namun kami tetap mendorong semua orang untuk memperbarui klien dan server mereka secepatnya untuk memastikan, bahwa mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dari perbaikan bug, pembaruan keamanan untuk CEF, tweak kinerja atau peningkatan lainnya. Ingin bermain MTA: SA 1.5 .3 Klik disini multitheftauto untuk mendownload build for Win 7. Mencari legacy build untuk XPVista Anda bisa mendownloadnya disini multitheftauto. Atau anda bisa klik disini multitheftauto untuk menuju halaman rumah kita. Sesampai di sana, klik tombol Download di bagian tengah atas halaman, lalu pilih build anda dan anda sudah siap. Paket server Linux juga tersedia linux. mtasa. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anggota komunitas berikut atas kontribusinya kepada MTA: SA kode sumber, sumber daya atau umpan balik untuk rilis ini: Aboshanab, AleksCore, braydondavis, Dutchman101, Einheit-101, Lakota, lex128, lopezloo, mabako, Mario, Necktrox , PhrozenByte, qaisjp, rafalh, Sh4dowReturns. Zneext (Apakah Anda berkontribusi pada paket sumber codenans MTA: SA 1.5.3s atau 1.6s tapi tidak disebutkan dalam daftar di atas jhxp dengan link ke kontribusi Anda dan Anda akan ditambahkan) Kami berharap Anda akan menikmati pembebasan ini. Selain itu, ingatlah bahwa jika Anda menemukan bug atau masalah yang tidak ada dalam versi sebelumnya, Anda dapat melaporkannya ke bugs. mtasa bugtracker kami. (Anda bisa menemukan posting asli di forum. mtasa ini) Orang-orang kita Mike memiliki B. A. Dalam Ilmu Komputer dan Psikologi dari Yale dan PhD di bidang Psikologi dari University of Illinois. Deskripsi pekerjaannya tidak jelas, tapi menurutnya itu mungkin ada kaitannya dengan penerapan pengetahuan dan metodologi psikologis pada desain game. Intinya ini berarti dia bisa bermain dengan data, melakukan penelitian, dan bertindak sebagai konsultan internal. Dia sangat senang karena Anda meluangkan waktu untuk membaca paragrafnya. Matthew suka bermain video game saat kecil. Orangtuanya memperingatkannya bahwa bermain game bukanlah akan memberinya pekerjaan di masa depan. Setelah lulus dari University of Washington pada tahun 2010, dia membuktikan bahwa mereka salah dengan mendaratkan pekerjaan di Valve. Sebagai bagian dari Tim Dukungan Uap Valves, Matthew membantu mendukung komunitas Korea dan upaya pelokalan kami, membuat ribuan pengguna Uap Korea percaya bahwa kami benar-benar memiliki kantor di Korea. Matthew juga menggunakan keahlian Photoshop-nya untuk membantu memastikan iklan untuk penjualan dan promosi diterjemahkan dengan benar dan disajikan kepada pengguna Uap di Cina, Jepang, Rusia, Spanyol, Prancis, dan Jerman - hanya untuk beberapa nama saja. Di waktu senggangnya dia menikmati bermain sepak bola dan permainan first-person shooter yang bisa dia dapatkan. Proyek Jeff termasuk Half-Life 2. Hilang-pantai Hari kekalahan Benteng Tim 2. Kiri 4 Mati 2. Dan DotA 2. Dia bertanggung jawab atas konsep, tekstur dunia, tingkat prototip, studi arsitektur, dan pembuatan model. Selain bekerja di lingkungan dunia Anda bisa menemukannya sketsa, pemodelan, dan belajar teknik seni baru. Sebelum bergabung dengan Valve pada tahun 2010 sebagai Level Designer and Artist, Ken Banks sebelumnya mengerjakan judul termasuk Doom 3, Quake 4, dan Borderlands. Karirnya terinspirasi oleh pengalaman bermain game pertamanya di PC, Valves Half-Life, pada tahun 1998. Dia menjadi mapan di komunitas mod berkembang Half-Lifes sebagai kontributor Seleksi Alam yang sukses, yang membantu memulai karirnya dalam pengembangan game. Pada usia 18. Aaron mendapat rasa pertama lingkungan 3D saat ia belajar teknik di UCLA. Dia membangun situs VRML untuk universitas, dan juga merancang tingkat untuk Quake dan Duke Nukem 3D dengan beberapa grup mod Internet. Keterampilan desain tingkatnya membuatnya mendapatkan pekerjaan di Xatrix Entertainment di mana dia bekerja di Redneck Rampage. Gempa 2 Dan Kingpin. Setelah Kingpin. Dia mengambil posisi desain senior di Electronic Arts di mana dia bekerja di James Bond sebelum datang ke Valve. Di luar dunia desain game dan level, Aaron suka bermain musik di sekitar Seattle. Nineteen5. Jeep berhenti dari pekerjaan kebersihannya di Fred Meyer untuk mengubah hobi pemrogramannya menjadi sebuah karier. Jeeps cinta video game (dan takut kembali ke kehidupan menggosok toilet) mengantarnya untuk mendapatkan B. S. Gelar dari DigiPen Institute of Technology di Redmond, WA. Proyek game seniornya, Narbacular Drop. Berubah menjadi Portal setelah Valve mempekerjakan Jeep dan rekan satu timnya DigiPen. Bermain dengan G. I. Joes dan video game sebagai anak benar-benar terbayar untuk Mike. Pertama, ia berkarier dalam gerakan berhenti, menghidupkan Gumby dan Pillsbury Doughboy, dan film-film Nightmare Before Christmas dan James and the Giant Peach. Kemudian, pada tahun 1993, dia diperkenalkan ke CGI di Pixar dan dia benar-benar MENYUKAINYA. Selama 12 tahun berikutnya, Mike bekerja di Walt Disney Animation Studios pada proyek-proyek seperti Dinosaurus. Kangaroo Jack. Temui Robinsons. Dan baut Sekarang hes di Valve membuat game. Bila tidak bermain dengan piksel, Mikes menghabiskan waktu bersama istri dan anak-anaknya. Sebelum bergabung dengan Valve, Jeremy bekerja di Weta di Selandia Baru. Dia adalah Direktur Seni Visual Effects pada trilogi Lord of the Rings dan Perancang Konseptual di King Kong. Pada tahun 2003, Jeremy memenangkan Visual Effects Societys Best Art Direction dalam penghargaan Motion Picture untuk karyanya di The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. Sejak bergabung dengan Valve di tahun 2006 ia telah mengerjakan Half Life: Episode 2. Kiri 4 Mati dan Kiri 4 Mati 2. Portal 2. Dan beberapa judul yang akan datang. Ketika hes tidak bekerja Jeremy dapat ditemukan surfing banyak istirahat dari Semenanjung Olimpiade, atau membangun kapal ruang Lego dengan dua anak laki-laki. Sebelum Valve, Dan mengirimkan sekumpulan produk, menyediakan layanan konsumen, dan tim pengembangan yang dikelola. Tak satu pun dari itu hampir sama kerennya dengan apa yang dilakukan hes sekarang. Terlepas dari kurangnya kualifikasi industri permainannya - kecuali 20 tahun perhitungan pemain dan rewards - dia memakukan wawancara Valve-nya dan diundang untuk bergabung dalam partai tersebut. Dan sekarang bekerja di Steam, senang bisa kembali berperan dimana hes hanya bertanggung jawab atas kesalahannya sendiri. Yahn adalah seorang pengacara paten Atlanta yang memiliki gelar kimia dari Harvard. Jadi jelas dia berakhir di Seattle mengembangkan game komputer. Dia mengajar dirinya untuk memprogram pada usia 12 dan telah mengerjakan kode sistem dan alat untuk sebagian besar judul Valves. Saat-saat paling membanggakan adalah saat dia bisa mengedit teks paragraf ini, setelah meninggalkannya tidak berubah selama lebih dari satu dekade. Ken menyela studi seni rupa untuk bergabung dengan Gabe di Valve sebagai salah satu karyawan pertama mereka. Dengan latar belakang kebanyakan dalam simulasi dan perangkat lunak medis, Kens fokus utama pada Valve adalah perangkat lunak animasi. Dia juga bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar sistem akting yang mendasari karakter Half-Life 2. Ken adalah satu-satunya pegawai Valve yang benar-benar tumbuh di sini, di Bellevue, dan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mengundurkan diri dari jabatan resminya dengan cerita tentang bagaimana kota itu ketika saya masih kecil. Jason bekerja pada komik Inggris 2000ad dan Hakim Dredd Megazine serta konsep seni untuk banyak permainan. Waktu luangnya dihabiskan sebagian besar untuk meningkatkan properti (orang lain) dengan cat semprot. Jason akhirnya melewatkan kota dan sekarang berada di dekat Seattle di mana dia melakukan segala macam seni di Valve dan tidak lagi mengejar kegiatan ekstra kurikulernya dengan cara apapun bentuknya atau bentuknya. Jujur. Lain Fort Walton Beach, asli Florida, Charlie lulus dari University of Florida pada musim panas 1994 dan menuju California dan 3Dfx Interactive. Tanggung jawabnya meliputi dukungan pengembang, memasarkan produk ke perangkat keras, kode contoh, demo sederhana, dan akhirnya bekerja sama dengan tim pengembang pengembang 3Dfx untuk mengelola usaha pembuatan game rekayasa. Charlie meninggalkan 3Dfx setelah dua tahun dan, dengan teman kuliahnya Gary McTaggart, menciptakan Mesin Uber (tm) di Ritual Entertainment di Dallas, Texas. Tidak lama setelah bergabung dengan Ritual, Charlie dan Gary pergi untuk memulai perusahaan mereka sendiri. Tidak lama setelah itu, Valve membuat tawaran Charlie (dan Gary) yang tidak bisa mereka tolak. Tom lulus dari University of California-Berkeley dengan gelar sarjana di bidang Ilmu Komputer. Seperti kebanyakan insinyur perangkat lunak saat itu, dia memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan startup internet dan menjadi jutawan sebelum berusia 30 tahun. Ketika itu tidak terjadi, dan setelah gelembung Internet meledak, dia memutuskan untuk melupakan semua barang berbasis web dan e-commerce itu. Mengejar impian sebenarnya: membuat video game. Ia bergabung dengan Midway Games West (dahulu Atari). Studio itu ditutup beberapa bulan kemudian, jadi Tom pindah ke Maxis dimana dia mengerjakan judul seperti Darkspore. Spore. Dan The Sims 2 (dan banyak dari paket ekspansi). Sejak bergabung dengan Valve di tahun 2010, Tom telah bekerja di Team Fortress 2. Portal 2. Dan bagian kecil Uap. Dia juga penerima salah satu penghargaan penggemar terbaik yang pernah diterima. Sebagai mayor musik, Tobin sepenuhnya berharap bisa berkarier di bidang pelayanan makanan. Sebagai gantinya, ia menghabiskan sebagian besar dari usia duapuluhannya untuk melakukan tur dan rekaman dengan Robert Fripp dan The League of Crafty Guitarists, yang kemudian mengarah ke Microsoft pada tahun 1996, di mana ia bekerja di Interactive Music Architecture (DirectMusic) dan kemudian sebagai Direktur Audio di Microsoft Game Studios, terutama dengan FASA. Tobin bergabung dengan Valve pada tahun 2008 dan terpesona setiap hari bahwa, selain melakukan produksi audio pada beberapa proyek paling keren di seluruh dunia, hes mengizinkan untuk bermain-main dengan panggilan audio dalam kode permainan, dan didorong untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang Sisi proses itu setiap hari. Chris menghabiskan tahun-tahun kuliahnya bekerja di Quest, editor tingkat Quake. Pekerjaan pertamanya yang sebenarnya adalah di Rumah Kaca Looking Glass yang berbasis di Massachusetts tempat dia mengerjakan suara dan fisika untuk Pencuri. (Karya Pencuri-Nya termasuk topi raksasa revolusioner dan tragis terlupakan primitif.) Setelah beberapa tahun berkeringat di Texas mengerjakan sekuel Deus Ex untuk Ion Storm Austin, Chris bergabung dengan Valve. Dia masih senang bisa keluar dari pintu tanpa terbakar. Dario mulai merancang level untuk Doom saat ia belajar ekonomi di University of Oxford di Inggris. Setelah membangun Doom Akhir: Percobaan Plutonia dengan saudaranya, dia bergabung dengan Valve dimana dia menemukan bahwa sebenarnya mungkin berkarir di bidang permainan. Setelah lulus dari Oxford pada tahun 1996, dia memutuskan bahwa dunia keuangan hanya harus menunggu. Setelah bertahun-tahun di A. S. Dario masih keras kepala menolak untuk melepaskan aksennya, dan dengan senang hati bertahan menjadi subyek lelucon Inggris setiap hari. Matt tumbuh di Nottingham di Inggris. Dia mencoreng pekerjaan pertamanya di videogame 20 tahun yang lalu ketika dia mulai bekerja di sebuah studio Inggris bernama Core Design pada sebuah game baru bernama Tomb Raider. Ingat bahwa satu sekuel Banyak kemudian dia pindah ke Kanada di mana dia bekerja di Bioware (di Mass Effect) dan kemudian di BlizzardActivision di Vancouver. Ketika Matt bergabung dengan Valve pada tahun 2008, dia langsung mengerjakan karakter kerajinan untuk Left 4 Dead 2. By adding a simple lacey undergarment, he managed to help make the Spitter even grosser than was previously thought possible. Hail and well met, adventurer. Would you like to purchase the a piece of paper While attending Virginia Tech, Jess co-created the original Counter-Strike with Minh Le. Known as the voice of Counter-Strike you may have heard his voice yell, Counter-Terrorists Win once or twice. Over the years he has done level design on Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Left4Dead2, and Portal2. These days, Jess can be found working on CS:GO and animal rescue at a local shelter in his spare time. Phil Co graduated from the University of Virginia School of Architecture in 1994 and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area hoping to be a rock star. When the rock star thing didnt work out, Phil turned to his second choice: level design. He started at Cyclone Studios, working on Requiem: Avenging Angel . He went on to design levels at Infinite Machine, Knowwonder, and Blizzard North before coming to Valve in 2005. He is also the author of the book Level Design for Games . Greg still works here. Christen joined Valve after serving ten years at Microsoft, where she designed a variety of consumer products and platforms. Since they let her go on good behavior, shes joined the Steam team, where she designs, produces, tests, ships, and markets new features with the team of Steam engineers. And her brother. Have feedback or suggestions about Steam Send em her way Tony started out in the games industry in 1995 at British developer Bullfrog, where he worked on a variety of titles including the PC gaming classic Dungeon Keeper . He joined the DirectX team at Microsoft in 1998, before relocating to Redmond in 2001. During his tenure at Microsoft he led the software engineering team for Microsoft Studios publishing, contributed to Xbox platform architecture, and led the development of mobile titles including Galactic Reign and Age of Empires: Castle Siege . He joined Valve in 2015. Scott began playing and designing games at an early age on an Atari 800 and never looked back. He came to Valve after creating games at Legend Entertainment for many years. Aside from level design and game mechanics, he delights in creating particle effects and programming the system that drives them. When not making worlds come to life, hes usually making them explode, bleed, and burn. He helped to spin up the hardware teams at Valve and currently is working on the Steam Controller. Dean started playing computer games on mainframe computers in the mid 70s at The Evergreen State College while in Jr. High and has never stopped. After getting a pair of degrees in optics from the University of Rochester, he dove into work at Boeing on the expansion pack to the most expensive game ever developed. The game was Global Thermonuclear War AKA The Cold War and the expansion pack was Strategic Defense Initiative colloquially known as Ronald Reagans Star Wars. Over time Dean slid over to work on developing techniques for optically measuring jet engines exhaust, shockwaves, vibration, liquid flow, supercool water sprays, unexploded munitions, and even crops. He then opted to switch gears to work on a far more important project he became a stay-at-home dad. After a more than a few years of raising his three daughters, Deans wife decided it was her turn to experience the thrills and spills of being a stay-at-home parent. Dean leaped into a position of designing and building see-through, head mounted displays using scanned laser beams for a half-dozen years. When Valve invited him to join the team here, Dean jumped in without hesitation and began his never ending quest to reward the community of Valve customers with awesome experiences. Originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Ariel came to Valve after finishing his studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design. As part of Valves character design team, he is responsible for creating character models, facial expressions, and skeleton deformations. Outside Valve, he pursues traditional art skills such as drawing, painting, and sculpting. Q brings over 10 years of multi-disciplinary graphic design experience to Valve. He has had a creative role in launching print, online, and new media endeavors as a senior art director for Incite PC Gaming magazine, art director for PC Accelerator, and associate art director for PC Gamer. At Valve, you can find Qs schedule filled with marketing, packaging, web design, game trailers. dem file creation, and other visual communications tasks. In his spare time, Q likes to reminisce about how he was training to be a competitive bodybuilder 14 years ago. Get over it, already Mike joined Valve in 2000 after spending 10 years in senior marketing and business development positions in the semiconductor test and embedded software markets. At Valve, Mike is responsible for general business development, including Source Engine licensing, Steam content distribution, Asian distribution, and tournament licensing. During his spare time, he enjoys coaching high school and premier club soccer teams. Mikes ideal Sunday afternoon is spending time at a soccer game with his wife and son. (pronounced ZA-bee) Dhabih, whos been playing games since he was six years old, has a degree in Interdisciplinary Art from the University of Washington. He started making a name for himself by doing freelance design work for gaming magazines ( Electronic Gaming Monthly . Official Playstation Magazine . PC Gaming World ) while still in school. Dhabih has also done web design and worked on the Quake2 TC pack Zaero from Team Evolve. He started at Valve by doing freelance work in mid-1998, and signed on full-time in early February of 1999. Dhabih is truly a world citizen, having grown up in six different countries (Australia, Macau, Canada, China, Taiwan, and the USA). You can find out more about Dhabih and check out some of his work by visiting his website . Miles began his career at Foundation Imaging in Southern California as a character animator on the Starship Troopers TV series. Shortly thereafter, he got his start in games - lead animator for Interplays PS2 game Run Like Hell . Upon joining Valve in 2001, Miles was inhumanely forced to participate in company playtests. As a result, he developed an addiction to Counter-Strike . despite the fact that he was really bad at it. He has since overcome his addiction and contributes character modeling andor animation to a lot of Valve games. His hobbies include lamenting over the fact that hes not drawing enough. We are all still trying to figure out exactly what it is that Chet does at Valve, but at the very least he occupies office space on the 11th floor as self-proclaimed Mr. Awesome. After a couple of years spending too much time in meetings at Amazon, Al made the trip across Lake Washington to join Valve as a web developer on the Steam team. When hes not playtesting Team Fortress 2 . Al works on the Steam store and other Valve websites. Dave came to Valve in July of 2009 after five years at Electronic Arts Redwood Shores studio where he worked on Dead Space and The Godfather series. When hes not rattling the walls at Valve with dangerously loud sound effects, Dave enjoys playing music, fly fishing, cooking, and Polaroid photography. A Seattle native, Dave is a graduate of Californias Expression College. Hated his old bio. Vitaliy grew up in the Soviet Union. He earned two Masters degrees (with honors) and a lieutenant rank. He solved thousands of differential equations systems, then architected and implemented software that has probably processed petabytes of binary data by now. And then, he moved to Santa Monica to help Sony lay the foundation for PlayStation-3. Vitaliy joined Valve in 2006 and helped us ship The Orange Box, our first Xbox 360 game. He went on to establish our matchmaking system, implement the PlayStation-3 version of our engine, and design and improve our numerous back-end systems. Tom is a graduate of the University of Washington Foster School of Business and an alumnus of Teach For America. After teaching and coaching at a high school in rural Mississippi, Tom started working for Valve. Now he spends his days on the Steam Business team, helping the people who make PC games connect with the people who play PC games. Prior to joining Valve, Chris Green worked on such projects as the Amiga Flight Simulator II . Ultima Underworld . the Amiga OS, and Magic:The Gathering Online . He ran his own development studio, Leaping Lizard Software, for nine years. These days, hes working on various pieces of graphics and game technology for Valve. At age 17, Bronwen took a break from high school to attend a post-graduate course in 3D animation. (Well, why not) At the end of the program, she was both disappointed and delighted when a visiting industry professional told her shed never make it as a character animator, and ought to think about becoming a technical director instead. Stunned to learn that there was a profession where you could create artwork and code, she embraced a career in technical art. Three years later, shed collected enough credits in both disciplines from various institutions to graduate from Seneca College in Toronto, Canada, with a degree in Digital Media Arts. She promptly landed a job at Torontos Pseudo Interactive and never looked back. Now at Valve, Bronwen gets to do a little bit of everything, just like she always wanted -- well, except for the animation. Which is probably for the best. Along with his buddy Steve Bond, John started Quake Command . the influential and popular Internet gaming site. John was also the co-creator of Quake Airplane and Quake Kart, and has constructed many of the chambers and corridors in Half-Life s Black Mesa Research Center. Since joining Valve in 1997, John has designed levels for Half-Life . Half-Life 2 . Team Fortress . Portal: Still Alive . and Portal 2 . Joel came to Valve in May 2011 to assist with front office and administrative responsibilities. Having a real estate background, he quickly investigated different organizational methods and operations to streamline all types of housekeeping chores to make sure the people behind the great games and services here at Valve are able to focus on what they do best. While studying computer science at Cornell Universitys College of Engineering, Don would disappear for months at a time - into his dorm room or The SUG (Cornell alums UNITE). He was busy making computer games and graphics demos. His obsession helped him land a couple of summer gigs at Valve, where he worked, under the tutelage of Ken Birdwell and Chris Green, on making vrad. exe faster. After getting his Masters degree, Don joined Valve full-time. Hes still working on graphics stuff. Before joining Valve, Eric worked as a designer for Apple working on products like Apples iPod Classic, iPod Nano, Developer Forums, and WWDC iPhone app. These days, when he isnt designing at Valve, he can be found, sandpaper in hand, feverishly rounding the sharp corners off of anything within reach. If you happen to drop by one day and catch him doing so, perhaps in the wee hours of the morning, he will guiltily offer you a tract detailing the life and work of Dieter Rams. While growing up in the mountains of North Carolina, Brandon often retreated to the family basement to play video games or guitar - and daydream about getting paid to do either. He wound up earning a degree in computer animation, and using his considerable animation skills to help establish the visual style for many games, including Final Fantasy IX . Warcraft III . and World of Warcraft . Brandon now spends his time at Valve creating backgrounds, pointing spotlights at extreme angles, and being slightly irresponsible with color. He still plays guitar. As a child, Brian learned how to program by cracking all the computer games he couldnt afford to buy. As an adult, he decided to join the games industry as a way to make up for his reprehensible childhood. At LookingGlass, he worked on Flight Unlimited . He went on to co-found GameFX, and was a Lead Engineer on Sinistar Unleashed . He joined Valve in 2000 and has contributed to just about everything the company has shipped since then. Brian focuses mostly on engine and graphics technology, with the occasional foray into game design. Sean spent his youth on the beaches of Wollongong, Australia before the lure of Microsoft brought him to Seattle. After 12 years working at Microsoft Game Studios, Xbox Live Indie Games and MSDNTechnet, Sean joined Disney to take advantage of the free entry to Disneyland (used twice, doh). After a few years commuting back and forth to California, Sean came to Valve where he now works with Game Developers around the world supporting their integration with Steam. Sean also spends parts of his day developing the next generation video streaming platform for Steam. A Texas-born, Justin Bieber look-alike, Burton jumped into gaming at an early age. Building computers, hoarding consoles, and moderating Steam forums made him quite the teen heartthrob. When his facial hair became too prominent to disguise, he jumped into a Geek Squad uniform and enrolled as a Computer Science major at Southern Methodist University. In 2007, Burton joined Valve as a Community Developer. He came with a signature giggle, an addiction to Snickers, and the rare ability to find a relevant song for any occasion. Now, Burton can also claim expertise in web development, anti-cheat development, and community management. tonjohn Erik began his career as a shoe salesman and moved up to selling used cars. When he decided that the car business wasnt for him either, he took a job in Sierra Onlines QA department. As one of Sierras Half-Life testers, Erik spent a lot of time at Valve and we eventually offered him a job as shipping manager. Erik is now one of Valves business development authorities. Liked Adrians old bio. Before joining Valve - and the games industry - in 2008, Kris worked as a theatrical lighting and sound designer, radio producer and station automation programmer, farm news reporter, film critic, and even a TV editor. At Valve, he started out in Steam support, while also using his eyes (and ears) to help find and fix bugs across several Valve titles. Following a lengthy period working on Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 level design, he now spends his time thinking up funny things for heroes to say in Dota 2 . Emily works on the UI for Steam community, support, sales, and security. Prior to Valve, Emily spent time working at Xbox, a mobile start up, frog, Jackson Fish Market, and Microsofts Pioneer Studios. Emily wants you to protect your account with the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Having escaped (or been let loose) from a secret bio-research lab in Siberia, Iikka started to design and program games at an early age. However, it wasnt until he began to create levels and mods for Doom and Quake that he became known to the world. In 1988, he left the pack of wolves that raised him for a job at ION Storm in Dallas, Texas. A few years and adventures later, he found himself at Valve. That was 2001. He hasnt had the urge to bite anybody since. Phils first games were written on a Commodore PET in the 1970s. He first got paid for working on games at Stormfront Studios in the mid 90s, before eventually chucking that to return to hardware engineering. He subsequently worked on free-space optical networking of laptops for kids, metropolitan area router boxes, educational toys, acoustic gunshot location, and light field cameras, before finally returning to the games industry to work on VR at Valve. Dave joined Valve in 2005, fresh from the DigiPen Institute of Technology, where he helped create the mind-bending student project (and Portal precursor) Narbacular Drop . His primary contributions to Portal and Portal 2 involved developing the graphics and physics systems that make the games unique discontinuous spaces work seamlessly in a 3D environment. With the addition of multiplayer in Portal 2 . Dave then made those spatial discontinuities work with nonlinear prediction. Dave has also contributed to Left 4 Dead games and Xbox360 support for the Source engine. He is known within the company for his ability to quickly find new exploits in game mechanics. Eric has been an artist with Valve since 2002. In that time, he has helped with the visual design of Half-Life 2 . Team Fortress 2 . Left 4 Dead 2 . and other Valve titles. Originally from Southern California, Eric now calls the Pacific Northwest home. Alden has a habit of ending up in the middle of everything. If he isnt getting in the way of Steam game releases, hes probably working on UI design for Valve games or the Steam store. Alden came to Valve after working on design and production for the Xbox 360 Dashboard. Before that, he studied design at the University of Washington and worked on various freelance design projects. When hes not working, Alden can be found chasing his competitive ambitions in cycling and swimming. He commutes to work by swimming back and forth across Lake Washington every day. Most weekends, he relaxes by riding his bike to Portland. Dua kali. A memory of Marc Laidlaw The way ahead is dark for the moment. What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. How many are there in you Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. We are you, Freeman. And you are us. Jeff began his career as a graphic designer in the print industry. Over the course of 12 years, he moved into graphics for video projects, then graphics for commercial multimedia, and finally graphics for games. He hasnt looked back. After making 3D art for Hyperbole Studios Quantum Gate interactive movie projects, Jeff spent five years as an art director and level designer at Sierra Studios before coming to Valve. As a freelance composer and musician, Tim has done it all. He played trumpet for the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Sheila E. Lou Rawls, Huey Lewis, James Brown, and Natalie Cole recorded numerous records, movies, documentaries, and TV shows (including Survivor and Fear Factor 2.0 ) as a studio musician created the sound design for The Chubbchubbs . a 2003 Academy Award winner for Best Animated Short Film and as Audio Director at Cyan studio for eight years, created the music and sound for the Myst series. Now, hes here at Valve, where hes worked on just about every title the company has shipped. When hes not working, Tim is playing tennis, fly fishing, or commuting back and forth to his home and family in Spokane, WA. Liam showed early promise in his summer job at General Motors making car transmissions. Twice, GM and the UAW awarded him a Certificate of Perfect Attendance. But Liam left the assembly line for the classroom, teaching college and junior high math until a professor named Yau (that would be the Fields Medal-winning Shing-Tung Yau) convinced him to look for other work. Liams interest in understanding the rules that govern society led him to law school, and then to Seattles KL Gates firm where he specialized in technology and business law and worked with a number of game companies, including Valve. Right before joining Valve, Liam served as general counsel of Zillow. As a paint fixer and rotoscope artist at the legendary Tippett Studio, Matthew painted a pimple out of Darryl Hannahs armpit for My Favorite Martian and rotoscoped Kevin Bacon in a black bodysuit for Hollowman . He moved on to legendary Weta Digital to work as an animator and animation lead for The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He came to legendary Valve from Los Angeles where he was the animation supervisor on The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe . the longest title of any film hes ever worked on. Hes now animating on Dota 2 . Matthew had been eyeing Valve for awhile and is happy to report that he and his family like Seattle much better than LA, although the weather reminds him of that Ray Bradbury short story ( All Summer in a Day ) where the sun only comes out for two hours every seven years. After years in the music industry, Doug decided to get a real job. Then he came to his senses and got into the gaming industry instead. As Valves Vice President of Marketing, Doug helps manage and coordinate third-party relations, marketing, and press activities. Joe joined Valve as a programmer in 2009 and has spent his time working on item back ends, trading systems, virtual reality, and hats. These days he is helping out with the software side of Valves hardware effort. Though he started his game industry career at Sierra in 1998, most of the intervening time was spend on trains and pirate ships during his nine years at Flying Lab software. Before that, he was never in Anthrax, no matter what you may have heard on the internet. Randy came to Valve from Microsoft, where he worked as an interface designer for the Internet Gaming Zone. Randy designs some of the most unusual and original game levels at Valve. Hes also the designer most likely to push the polygon and memory limits of our engine. In his distant past, he was a key staff member at a potato processing plant where his responsibilities included peeling and quality oversight. He was really good at that too. Before joining Valve, Scott was Senior Vice President at Havas Interactive where he created and managed the Sierra Studios business unit that published Half-Life . During his five years with Sierra, Scott held a number of different positions in business development, acquisitions, finance, investor relations, and product development. Before Sierra, Scott worked in the public accounting industry for Coopers Lybrand. In both the audit and tax departments, he managed a range of clients, from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Scott is a graduate of the University of Washington Business School (with a concentration in accounting), and is an inactive Certified Public Accountant in the State of Washington. In 2001, Ido joined Valve to do art and design levels. He also enjoys photography, foreign films, and advising the President about issues of national importance. John spent his post college graduate years at a struggling Web 2.0 startup, lured in by the illusion of stock option riches. Since arriving at Valve, hes landed on the Steam team where he works on a little bit of everything, from Shopping Carts to the in-game Overlay. His favorite thing about Valve is having a huge, energetic user base, which benefits from the work he does on Steam. A bit of an odd-ball, Sergiy joined Valve to do weird low-level stuff and squeeze more blood, um, juice out of the silicon in your gaming machines. Sergiy specializes in systems programming, physics, and applied math. According to him, some games pretend to be simulating physicsy-looking motion. Sergiy made the physics engine behind Uncharted: Drakes Fortune while at Naughty Dog, and the animation system in Far Cry during his lazy years at Crytek. There were a few other odd jobs here and there, but the list is long and boring, and mostly lost in the eons that have passed. After eight years leading ATIs 3D Application Research Group, Jason was finally seduced by the entertainment industry. Hes now putting his 3D graphics hardware knowledge to use on just about every project at Valve. Jason frequently publishes on a variety of real-time rendering topics and periodically speaks at graphics and game development conferences around the world. While joining Valve has significantly cut down on Jasons international jet-setting, hes still the man to see if youre looking for a stuporous late night Tokyo karaoke escapade. Moraskys life and career sounds a lot like one of the post-modern audio collages he is so fond of creating. Teenage guitar player in a bar band in Montana award-winning experimental composer in Tokyo audio hardware programmer in Silicon Valley underground art rocker touring the world 3D animator and director for television electronic audio collage artist in France and Japan visual fx artist on The Lord of the Rings and Matrix trilogies AI animation instructor at an art college. These days, Mike is doing some combination of all these things at Valve. John Morello II John is an animator most of the time. Hes been a gamer since his parents bought their Commodore 64. As a high-schooler he made small Quake mods and became addicted to Team Fortress . After graduating, his brother introduced him to the guys on the Day of Defeat team. They wanted to ship their mod, but they needed animation help. John jumped in. Valve eventually invited John and the rest of the team to continue DoD development at Valves offices. At this point, John has worked on nearly every product weve shipped. His TF obsession is over - replaced by an addiction to DotA . and lapping his Ducati at local road courses. Arsenio is responsible for merchandise licensing, retail and wholesale Valve Store sales, retail product development, and event support. In his spare time you can catch Arsenio creating art, beat boxing, and playing TF2at the same time. Gabe held a number of positions in the Systems, Applications, and Advanced Technology divisions during his 13 years at Microsoft. His responsibilities included running program management for the first two releases of Windows, starting the companys multimedia division, and leading efforts on the Information Highway PC. Then he started Valve. His most significant contribution to Half-Life . the companys debut title, was his statement: Cmon, people, you cant show the player a really big bomb and not let them blow it up. Steven is a professional Linux supremacist with a recurring NetHack addiction. He joined Valve in 2015, after four years of writing kernel, hypervisor, and emulation code for Amazon Web Services. Before that he worked for Introversion Software on their Linux ports of Darwinia and Defcon . Martin comes to us from Germany, where he earned a Masters degree in Computer Science from Dortmund University. Martin is best known for programming Argus (for Quake ) and Half-Life TV (as a contractor for Valve). Since arriving in Washington State, Martin has lost all the hubcaps on his Volkswagen and single-handedly stopped Seattle traffic by strolling across the street in a bath robe while sipping a white Russian. Not bad for a poor German boy. Martin also enjoys listening to the band Manowar since, after all, some bands play, but Manowar kills. Tony got into game programming via the mod community in 2001. He created several server plugins and was responsible for the first online Team Fortress 2 backpack viewer. He continued this work as a hobby while studying Computer Science at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA. Before coming to Valve in 2011, to work on his passion, Tony spent two years at Microsoft helping to develop the next version of Visual Studio. The question Jay gets asked most often is: How do you become a video game writer Answer: Its actually incredibly simple. Decide you want to be a comedy writer. Spend the majority of your twenties climbing the comedy-writing ladder. Get impressive-sounding jobs as editor of National Lampoon and Cracked . Reach the highest rung of the internet comedy-writing ladder. Come to the horrifying realization that internet comedy writing is a thankless, awful job that pays slightly less than a job professionally finding money on the street. Realize you have no employable skills other than making people with employable skills laugh. Despair. Then, and this part is the most important, have Portal get released somewhere around this time, create a seismic impact, and have everyone in the game industry decide they need established comedy writers for their games. Karen grew up near Seattle and embarked on her first career as a puppeteer in 1980. She performed popular film and television puppet characters for 16 years, most notably Red Fraggle in Fraggle Rock and the Worm in Labyrinth . Her second career as a computer animator included work on the award-winning Pixar films Geris Game . For the Birds . A Bugs Life . and Toy Story 2 . She is now well into a third career in video games at Valve, tackling testing, development, and animating exuberant characters such as Wheatley the star sphere in Portal 2 . Karen continues to do occasional puppet performances and enjoys yoga, kayaking, hiking, biking, and exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. How did a Portuguese-speaking, farm girl from Oakdale, Ca. wind up doing HR benefits and payroll administration for a video game company in Bellevue, WA It probably had to do with her switch from accounting to HR management at Chico State and those stints at a legalecon consulting firm and at Gracenote, Sonys music tech company and the transition from San Francisco to Seattle and that former colleague who knew somebody who knew somebody who worked for Valve. But you know what We dont really care how Lizzie wound up at Valve. We just thank the gods shes here. Twice a month. When we get those paychecks. Like clockwork. Alireza moved to Canada (via Iran and Turkey) when he was nine. His first impressions of the west were the films TRON . Die Hard . and Lawnmower Man . Inspired by this trinity of action, art, and science he chose a career in 3D animation and visual effects. After earning a Bachelors and a post-graduate degree in animation from Sheridan Institute of Technology, Ali went to London to start work on his first film. He was 24. He now works at Valve where he drives the effort to transform visual effects into a dynamic interactive experience and blows stuff up. Brandon Reinhart broke into the industry in 1998 when he landed a job as a gameplay programmer on Unreal Tournament for Epic Games. He spent several years at 3D Realms, Sony Online Entertainment, and Spacetime Studios working on Duke Nukem Forever . Star Wars Galaxies . and Blackstar . Brandon joined Valve in 2008 and intends to spend the rest of his life working here. Alfred joined Valve as a software engineer in 2002. He has contributed to the development of Counter-Strike . Half-Life 2 . and Steam. He also does his best to maintain the Linux ports of our games. Most recently, he led development efforts to bring third-party applications to the Steam platform. Prior to Valve, Alfred worked for an Australian research organization he would be forced to kill anyone who discovered the true nature of his work there. He is also the one to blame for starting plug-ins on Half-Life servers and, in particular, for creating Admin mod. Matt came to Valve from Microsoft, where he worked on stuff ranging from UI to device drivers. Like many members of the Steam team he is a generalist, meaning he genuinely finds just about everything interesting. In his spare time, Matt enjoys hanging out with his family, and learning new things via serial hobbies. Dave started working on games in his spare time back in the days of Doom and Quake . His work caught our eye and we lured him here from the East Coast to work on Half-Life . Now that hes added code writing to his bag of tricks, Dave works tirelessly to improve the experience of every single diehard Team Fortress 2 fan. Thats right, you know who you are. Its all for you. After earning a Masters in Sculpture in 1996, Erik made the most of that degree by working cash registers and designing web pages. As creatively satisfying as those occupations were, he couldnt shake the feeling that he should be doing more with his life. He spent six months creating Quake levels and, in 1998, landed a job designing levels for Cyclone Studios Requiem . For the next 12 years he served as Lead Designer at 3DO and Double Fine Productions. Finally, in 2010, he dragged his wife up to the Pacific Northwest and took a job at Valve. David makes cool levels that you love to play. Itu semuanya. Wade has worked in the game industry as an artist since 1998, and for Valve since 2005. In his spare time, he participates in group art shows and experiments with 3d printing and casting. Chris attended a nationally accredited university and has an actual degree in something or other. He remembers liking his fine art and filmmaking classes the most. At Valve Chris has designed UI and marketing for Valve games and Steam. Taylor joined Valve in 2001 to help develop Steam, and has been part of that team ever since. His previous experience ranges from DVD emulation to air combat simulators for the military. He has a Bachelors degree in electrical engineering from The Cooper Union in New York City. In his spare time, Taylor enjoys photography, playing bass and guitar, and staring at maps. Eric joined Valve in 2000 after graduating from the DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, WA. Before DigiPen, he worked for Nintendo of America. But when DigiPen opened its doors in the U. S. in January 1998, Eric saw an opportunity to change careers and make games instead of just playing them. David developed telecommunications software in Boulder, Colorado before he came to Valve. During his time here hes been a programmerdesigner and cabal lead on Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode Two . He has also worked quite a lot on our Hammer level editor over the years. A fan of recreational physical suffering, David goes rock climbing in his spare time. He has dragged many a pale and shaking Valve employee along on adventures in vertiginous terror. After getting a B. S. degree from Caltech, Kutta decided that making video games for a living was probably the next best thing to playing them all day in his dorm room. He joined Microsoft at age 19 and worked on Xbox and Xbox 360 games ( Gears of War . Halo 3 . Mass Effect . Lost Odyssey . Crackdown . Fable 2 ). There was also a stint in there with the DirectX team working on DirectX 9 10 shader technologies. Now Kuttas a systems and game programmer at Valve, working on whatever happens to strike his fancy. When hes not coding, sleeping, or cooking, Kutta spends his time climbing rocks, riding bikes, and snowboarding off things that he really ought not to. Jay joined Valve from Tetragon where he was lead engineer and 3D engine developer of Virgins Nanotek Warrior . Before that, he developed titles for Sony Playstation 3DO. Way before that, he wrote his first computer game (at age 9) and had a game published in a magazine (at age 15). A native of Cajun Country, Jay finds Northwest buildings too hot (what, no air conditioning) and the food not hot enough. Kelly came to Valve via the Half-Life mod community. While earning a Masters degree in Business at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, he helped develop and do sound work for Day of Defeat . He saw a career in video game development and sound engineering as the obvious next step after the MBA - and an undergraduate degree in Biology - so he packed his things and headed west to Valve. Today, you can find Kelly in his office, surrounded by WWII books and memorabilia, wearing a fat pair of headphones, and wondering how in the world he actually landed a job he loves doing. Alex has focused on graphics programming and shader development at Valve since 2006 contributing to Half-Life 2: Episode 2 . Team Fortress 2 . Portal 1 2 . Left4Dead 1 2 . Counter-Strike: Global Offensive . DotA . and currently virtual reality rendering. Previously he was Lead Visual Effects Programmer at Naughty Dog during development of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune . Lead Programmer on ATIs Demo Team for over 5 years, and he was a software developer for the SpaceOrb 360 . Alex is a graduate of Boston University. Chris began his journey to video games as a pre-med student. Much to his mothers dismay, a few years into his studies he switched from becoming a doctor to becoming an artist. He studied animation and visual effects at Brigham Young University and went on to become a Biomedical Illustrator and Animator for large pharmaceutical, surgical, and orthopedic companies. Later he went on to work at Weta Digital in New Zealand where he led the LookDevelopment for Jake and Neytiri, the main (alien) characters in the movie Avatar. He also did extensive creature texture painting and worked on other movies as well, such as The Adventures of Tin Tin, where he painted and shaded the textures for Tin Tin himself, as well as the Captain. He has now been at Valve for several years doing character design and other game art related things. Although he sucks at actually playing video games, he loves working on them. Once upon a time, Andrea was a disheveled, San Francisco artist, making a living as an illustrator. She did newsmaker profiles and such for Rolling Stone . Spin . and The Wall Street Journal . Untuk beberapa nama. Sadly, her life dream of illustrating childrens books fizzled, as her paintings, according to one art director, would scare the children. Which makes her perfect for Valve. She joined the company in late 2006. Since arriving, shes done a little of everything, from character design to comic books ( Lab Rat ) to hand modeling. (Yes, Andrea is the hand of Left 4 Dead .) On her days off, she paints with real, non-electronic paint and listens to loud musicloud enough to drown out her singing voice. Erik Wolpaws father attended Yale, became a successful lawyer, got disbarred, lost everything, and went to jail for a while. Later, he and Erik lived in a horrible ghetto apartment where Erik used the Yale alumni magazine to smash cockroaches. From this inauspicious start, Erik eventually went on to not graduate from high school. Now he writes dialog for video games, including the award-winning Psychonauts . Portal . and Portal 2 . Prior to that he was a freelance writer and before that he co-founded Old Man Murray . Its not like he became a surgeon or anything, but its not too bad, considering. At age 19, Matt left his home state of Pennsylvania for the sweltering heat of Dallas, Texas. There he became 3D Realms first level designer on its first real 3D game, Prey . Since then, hes worked on Duke Nukem Forever as a designer, animator, and modeler. He also contributed to Max Payne . In 2003, Matt moved to Valve to work on Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2 . He is (as far as we know) the only person in the world to have worked on four of Wired magazines top-rated vaporware games. When Half-Life 2 shipped in 2004, the curse that prevented games that Matt worked on from getting shipped was finally broken. Now, he helps Valve ship games often, working primarily as a level and game designer, and gameplay programmer. Matt is happy to say that (in addition to the games mentioned above) hes contributed to - and shipped Counter-Strike: Source . Half-Life: Episode One . Half-Life: Episode Two . Left 4 Dead . Left 4 Dead 2 . Alien Swarm . and Portal 2 on multiple platforms. As Valves Steam Translation Administrator, Torsten coordinates all our text localization, ensuring that millions of Valve customers and partners around the globe believe we actually have offices in Germany, Spain, Russia, and France, just to name a few. Zoid (yes, just Zoid - like Cher) showed up on the radar shortly after Quake was released. He made a mod called Threewave Capture the Flag, which people really liked. Come to think of it, its probably Zoids fault that most multiplayer first person games seem to include a capture the flag gameplay mode. After capturing far too many flags, Zoid joined Retro Studios and helped develop Metroid Prime and its sequels for the Gamecube. After a two-year stint at Carbine Studios (working on an MMO game), he decided to get back to his roots and join us here at Valve. copy 2017 Valve Corporation. Seluruh hak cipta. Valve, the Valve logo, Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, the Lambda logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Team Fortress, the Team Fortress logo, Opposing Force, Day of Defeat, the Day of Defeat logo, Counter-Strike, the Counter-Strike logo, Source, the Source logo, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Portal, the Portal logo, Dota, the Dota 2 logo, and Defense of the Ancients are trademarks andor registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. Semua merek dagang lainnya adalah milik dari pemiliknya masing-masing.
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